When Pebble introduced its new Pebble Time smartwatch back in February, it said that the watch’s new Timeline user interface would make its way to the original Pebble smartwatch. Ten months later, we’ve finally gotten more details on that initiative.
Pebble says that Timeline user interface, which includes the timeline interface and unlimited apps, are coming to both Pebble Classic and Pebble Steel this month. The update is undergoing a beta test on Android starting today and will be made available to the public later in December. It'll be available to iOS users, too, but Pebble won't be offering a beta test due to Apple's App Store restrictions.
If you’d like to test the update, which is Firmware 3.8, you’ll need to request to join the Timeline for Pebble Classic Beta Group. If selected, you’ll be sent a beta version of the Pebble Time v3.8 app for Android.
As I mentioned before, it’s not a surprise to see the Timeline update coming to the OG Pebble because the company previously said that an update would be offered. It’s still nice to see the the original Pebble still getting love, though, nearly three years after the Pebble first began shipping to Kickstarter backers. And if you don’t yet have a smartwatch, Pebble is still offering the Classic model for $99.99, and so this Timeline update could make the watch an option to consider for folks that are interested in dipping their toes in the smartwatch waters.