Do you play games on your Android phone or tablet? If so, you can now easily share your gaming experiences with others online.
The Google Play Games app for Android is gaining a new feature that’ll let you record your gameplay and then upload it to YouTube. You can record in either 720p or 480p resolution, and you can also add your own commentary by activating your device’s front-facing camera and microphone while you’re playing.
Once you’re done recording, you can easily edit your clip and upload it to YouTube for others to marvel at your gaming prowess.
If you’ve ever wanted to show someone your elite skills in Clash of Clans, Candy Crush, or Modern Combat, this new Google Play Games feature enables you to do just that without having to find that person and get them to look at your phone. The option of including your own commentary is a nice touch, and while Let’s Plays from Android phones may not be as big as those coming from traditional consoles, this is still a nice feature to have in Google Play Games.