Last week T-Mobile launched its new Video Calling feature, which builds video calling support into the dialer of supported phones and lets users make calls over LTE and Wi-Fi. At launch, the feature was only available to the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and S6 edge+, but now it’s rolling out to more devices.
The T-Mobile versions of the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge are now getting updates that include the new Video Calling feature. The updates also include Advanced Messaging, a messaging feature that offers near real-time chat, delivered and read indicators, and support for sharing files up to 10MB.
T-Mo’s Video Calling and Advanced Messaging are nice features that offer some improvements over their competition, but one downside is that you need other Video Calling and Advanced Messaging-enabled phones to actually use ‘em. The good news is that these Galaxy S6 and S6 edge updates widen the user base of both features, so many more T-Mo folk should now have a chance to try ‘em out.
It’s also worth noting that the Galaxy Note 5 and S6 edge+ are receiving updates today as well. They’re not quite as exciting as the GS6 and S6 edge updates, but they do bring UI improvements to the Video Calling feature that the Note 5 and S6 edge+ got last week, so that’s something.