Yesterday OnePlus announced that the OnePlus 2 will be powered by a Snapdragon 810 processor, and while the company tried to quell concerns regarding that chipset overheating, those concerns were still voiced. Now OnePlus has responded.
In a forum post called “We are mad.”, OnePlus has fired back at complaints about its choice of the Snapdragon 810 for the OnePlus 2, saying that it’s taken precautions to make sure that the 810 won’t overheat inside the OnePlus 2. For example, it’s clocked the chip at 1.8GHz so that it’ll run at cooler temperatures.
OnePlus also explained why it chose the Snapdragon 810, saying that it’ much more powerful than the Snapdragon 801 and that it’s the processor that the OnePlus 2 “deserves.” OnePlus warns that it’s not getting any kind of discount on the 810, though, and that the price of the OnePlus 2 will be higher than $322.
One of the things that made the OnePlus One so appealing was its pricing, which gave buyers a pretty high-end experience at $299 for the 16GB model and $349 for the 64GB version. Because those prices got the OnePlus One so much attention, I’m sure that OnePlus will try to offer the OnePlus 2 at a similarly low price, but it looks like the phone will at least be similar in cost to the more expensive OnePlus One.