Google’s own Sundar Pichai recently confirmed that his company is working on becoming a mobile virtual network operator, but he didn’t spill many other details about the effort. The rumor mill has stepped in to provide some more possible info, and according to a new report, the Google MVNO is only going to be available to select users.
Sources speaking to the Wall Street Journal say that the Google MVNO will only be available on the Nexus 6, at least initially. One tipster went on to say that the service won’t work with older Nexus phones like the Nexus 5. The Google MVNO is reportedly going to go live sometime in the coming weeks, possibly before the end of March.
Google’s MVNO is said to use Sprint and T-Mobile’s cellular networks as well as Wi-Fi networks, automatically selecting the best signal of the three. Pichai said that it doesn’t plan on the MVNO being a big carrier, and by restricting the service to Nexus 6’s, Google could make sure that it’s got control over the service and the phones on it, and it can ensure that the service doesn't get overwhelmed with a bunch of devices.