Sony said in October that the Z Ultra Google Play edition would be its first device to be updated to Android 5.0, and it looks like that is indeed the case.
Sony confirmed today that Android 5.0 is rolling out to the Z Ultra Google Play edition this week. Included in the update are all of the Lollipop goodies that you’d expect, such as a fresh Material design-ified user interface, updated notifications, lock screen notifications, improved performance, multi-user accounts and improved battery life.
In addition to rolling Lollipop out to the Z Ultra GPe, Sony says that it’s posted the source code and binary files for the AOSP Android 5.0 update for Xperia Z Ultra devices with unlocked bootloaders.
Google Play edition devices are known for getting updates pretty quickly, so it’s no surprise that the Z Ultra GPe is the first Sony device to get a taste of Lollipop. The good news is that the rest of Sony’s premium Z series of phones will get the update too, and Sony says that that rollout will begin in the “early part of 2015.”