It wasn’t all that long ago that I completed my 30 Day Challenge with the HTC One M8. Overall, the experience was mostly positive and I was pleased with how well HTC was able to maintain the zest of the original HTC One (M7) while adding more modern updates. While I wasn’t too thrilled about the increase in size (when am I ever?) there was one benefit to the size increase, and that was the fact that there was more room for a larger battery. The M7 used a 2300 mAh battery, and the M8 used a slightly larger 2600 mAh battery. It might not be a ton, but every little bit counts, and this phone does a great job of being able to make it through any given day with moderate to heavy usage.
Still, a 2600 mAh battery might not be enough for some people. While some might be content with a phone lasting well through a 12-hour day with moderate use, others might want to go old school and have a phone last days before requiring a recharge. While smartphone manufacturers haven’t quite figured out how to do this on their own in an appropriate fashion, other companies, like Mugen Power, are there to lend a hand. When I was offered to test out the 3700 mAh Mugen Power Battery Case for the HTC One M8 from Fattafa Limited, I was intrigued to see just how much longer the phone would last without needing a charge.
I have to admit, I was a little worried at how my review would turn out because I have this awful bias against huge phones as it is, and I know that battery extenders can make even the smallest of phones seem gargantuan; however, as it turns out, the Mugen Power Battery Extender actually helped me get a better grip on an otherwise slippery, aluminum device. The matte material used on the cover and the extra thickness on the back of the device made it quite comfortable to hold. Unfortunately, it does make the phone really big and quite heavy. Other than that, I’m surprised (but pleased) to report that it actually helped.
As for the power extension itself, I was also quite pleased with the results. While I didn’t have time to sit down and continuously use the phone over the course of an entire day (I wish I had that much free time) I did try my best to give any attention I could to the device. With my phone having been dead for an entire day before (lasting approximately 1 day and 26 minutes before dying) I decided to only use the Mugen Power Extended Battery as my source of power. I managed to frequently check Facebook, e-mails, texted, kept up on the news and at the end of day settled down with a mini marathon of Parks & Recreation (my latest Netflix binge). I also downloaded a few extra applications that I’ve been meaning to try out. I ended my day (14 hours at this point) with a 46% charge left. I decided to leave it on and alone for the next day.
The next morning (9 hours later) my charge was at 45%. I had a very similar day to my previous. My charge lasted well throughout my normal day’s activities, and at night I was even able to watch more Netflix before the battery eventually ran out of a charge. Overall, the battery managed to last about 36 hours and 2 minutes before shutting down. Combining that with the 24 hours and 26 minutes that the phone was able to handle on its own, that’s a combined 60 hours of battery life for this phone with the extender. Keep in mind, though, that throughout this duration I had the “Power Saver” settings on the entire time. Some may not agree with the antics, but I’ve always kept this option on since I owned the original HTC One and never noticed any cons to having it turned on; I just have a longer battery life.
Overall, I feel like the Mugen Power Battery Case for the HTC One M8 is a good purchase. It’s comparable to other battery extenders at $89.50, and while it may make the phone extra bulky you might find that it actually helps you get a better grip on the device anyway.
The Good: The battery lives up to its promise and gives the phone more than double the juice to run on. The case made it easier to grip the phone.
The Bad: The extra bulk might be too much for some people, as the case does make the phone extra big.
The Verdict: Between the performance and the price of the Mugen Power Battery Case, I would say this is a great purchase if you’re looking for this beastly phone to have the power to last for days. While my use may differ from your own, I would still say it’s worth a try in the end if you find that you’re struggling with making the original battery last long enough for you.