Knock Code debuted with the LG G Pro 2 earlier this year, allowing users to set a pattern of taps as the passcode to unlock the device's display. G Pro 2 owners aren't the only folks that will get access to this unique unlock method, though, as LG has announced that it will soon begin pushing Knock Code to other devices.
LG today confirmed that it will upgrade the G2, G2 mini, G Flex, F Series and L Series III devices with the new Knock Code feature found on the G Pro 2. The update will begin rolling out in April, and LG says that the G2 and G Flex will be the first devices to receive the upgrade.
Knock Code is an upgraded version of KnockOn, a feature that was introduced with the G2 last year and allows users to double-tap on their sleeping device's display to wake it. Knock Code provides a similar functionality, but it adds a layer of security so that users can take advantage of the KnockOn feature while keeping others out of their phones. That's why it's good to see that LG is planning to push Knock Code to more of its handsets, especially the more entry-level L Series III models. To see Knock Code in action, check out LG's brief demo video below.
Via LG