As part of last week's announcement of Android Wear, LG last week introduced the G Watch, its first device that will run on Google's new platform. The first image of the G Watch isn't the most revealing photo that we've ever seen, but thankfully LG's U.K. arm took to Twitter to share a much clearer image of its upcoming wearable.
Just as expected, the LG G Watch sports a squarish face with rounded corners and a black color. The unit in LG's new photo shows an incoming Hangouts message, complete with an image of the sender, a name and the message itself.
LG hasn't said what kind of specs the G Watch will sport when it launches in the second quarter, but the company has promised that the device will support voice commands and will work with a wide variety of Android phones. While the design of the G Watch may not be getting people in a tizzy like the Moto 360 has been, LG says that it's been working closely with Google to ensure that the G Watch works "perfectly" with Android Wear, and so I'm sure that the fact that LG's engineers are collaborating with Google on the device will help to drive interest in it.
Now that we've gotten a clearer look at the G Watch, what do you think of LG's wearable?
Via Smartwatch Fans, @LGUK