Remember that redesign that Instagram rolled out to its iOS app last year? Well now it's making its way to Android as well.
Instagram announced today that it's rolling out a major update to the Android version of its app that includes a cleaner, simplified design that should make be easier to use on devices of all sizes. That includes making good use of screen space for smaller hardware and keeping buttons within easy reach for those folk with larger phones. The company has also made some under-the-hood performance improvements that have resulted in speedier profile load times and a halving of the overall app's size.
This refreshed Instagram design looks much better than the old version of the app and fits better with Google's vision of Android, and so it's good to see that the new look is finally rolling out to Google Play. The performance improvements and tweaks for devices of all sizes are welcome as well, especially since we all know that Android is home to a pretty wide variety of hardware.
The update to version 5.1 of Instagram for Android isn't available in Google Play quite yet, but once it is, you'll be able to snag it right here.
Via Instagram blog, Google Play: Instagram