Samsung officially introduced the Galaxy S5 and its new Gear family of wearables last month at Mobile World Congress, and in usual PhoneDog fashion, we spent some quality hands-on time with the devices after they debuted. Now that you've watched them all a few times and had time to soak up our first impressions of the new devices, Samsung has some "official hands-on" videos of its own that it'd like to show you.
In its first clip, Samsung highlights some of the tentpole features of the Galaxy S5. Included in the video is a look at the dimpled texture on the backside of the phone, which Samsung says helps to provide a "comfortable grip," as well as the Finger Scanner built into the S5's home button.
Samsung also goes over some of the software features of its new flagship, like its lock screen camera shortcut, S Health fitness app and ultra power saving mode, which turns the display black and white and implements a few other restrictions to help stretch out your last bits of battery life.
The second video posted by Samsung focuses on its new wearables. The Gear 2 and Gear Fit are co-stars in the clip, which makes mention of the swappable bands of the Gear 2, the Gear Fit's curved AMOLED display and the heart rate sensor that's built into both models. The two new pieces of wristwear can also connect to a smartphone to display its messages, calls and other alerts.
Both the Galaxy S5 and Samsung's new Gear hardware are expected to begin rolling out to retail stores in April. There's no word yet on how much any of them might cost, but considering their similar functionality but differing specs, it'll be interesting to see what kind of price tag Samsung gives to its Gear 2, Gear Neo and Gear Fit. Here's to hoping that, with a launch that could happen within a few weeks, we get more details soon.
Via Samsung Tomorrow (1), (2)