It's a new month, and that means that it's also time to check in with on Google's official Android platform distribution numbers. The company officially updated its stats this evening, sharing the stats on all of the devices that visited the Google Play Store within the past seven days.
Android 4.1/4.2 Jelly Bean has emerged as king of Google's dessert hill once again, finishing the 7-day survey period with a 45.1 percent share. That's an increase from the 40.5 percent slice of pie that Jelly Bean claimed last month. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich ended this most recent period with a 21.7 percent share, down from 22.5 percent in August, while Android 3.2 Honeycomb held steady at 0.1 percent.
Android 2.3.3-2.3.7 Gingerbread is still holding on to its second place position, claiming a total of 30.7 percent of this month's Android pie. Finally, Android 2.2 Froyo finished the 7-day period with a 2.2 percent share of all devices.
What about pre-Android 2.2 hardware, you ask? Google notes that it used the most recent version of the Play Store app to gather this data, which only supports devices running Android 2.2 or higher. The company does say that in August 2013, the percentage of devices that checked into Google servers with pre-Android 2.2 software was around 1 percent.
There aren't really any changes in these overall standings when compared to last month's results, but the specific percentages have changed for the good. Jelly Bean is continuing to grow thanks to a steady stream of updates for older hardware and new products arriving with JB preinstalled, and older versions of Android are still shrinking as users upgrade to new devices and more recent software. Expect those trends to continue as more hardware comes to market with Android 4.1, 4.2 and soon version 4.3 in tow. Which version(s) of Android are you currently running?