Microsoft had some good news to share earlier this morning, announcing that its Office Mobile for Office 365 app is now available to Android users. It looks like the company is following that up with some less-than-stellar news, though, as it's been revealed that Microsoft has agreed to change the name of its SkyDrive cloud storage service following a loss in a trademark infringement lawsuit against the British Sky Broadcasting Group. Also known as BSkyB, the broadcasting company is responsible for television channels such as Sky News and Sky Sports.
BSkyB today announced that it has reached a settlement with Microsoft that will see the latter company alter the branding of SkyDrive, the cloud storage service used by its Windows, Windows Phone and Office platforms. There's no word yet on what the new name of the service will be, but BSkyB will allow Microsoft to continue using the SkyDrive name during its "transition period." Along with the name change, the settlement between these two companies contains financial and other terms that have not been disclosed.
This isn't the first time that Microsoft has run into an issue with the name of one of its Windows product names. The company was previously forced to stop using "Metro" as the name for its Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 UI following a legal threat from German company Metro AG, and it now refers to the look as the "Microsoft design language." It's not clear what new name Microsoft will choose for its rebranded cloud storage service, but it'll but interesting to see what the company ultimately goes with. Got any guesses? Drop 'em in the comments section below!
Via Engadget