One of the things I remember distinctly from earlier this year, was the big focus everyone was supposed to have on wearable technology. And by everyone, I mean the big companies like Apple and Samsung, even Microsoft. Maybe LG, if memory serves. Didn't Google's name get thrown in there, too? In any event, way back at the beginning of the year you couldn't go a day or two without hearing about one of them gearing up to launch their own version of a smart watch sooner rather than later.
A lot of those same reports suggested that those devices, in all of their wrist-adorning glory, would be announced at key events. Samsung's UnPacked, or Apple's WWDC. These events would be where they'd show off their own vision of the future, which many believe will indeed be accessorized with smart devices.
Alas, events have come and gone. Samsung has announced the Galaxy S 4, and just about thirteen (exaggeration, of course) different models of the device, but a smart watch was missing from the mix.
Apple, too. The Cupertino-based company came out on stage and launched a brand new version of iOS, and managed to rile up plenty of people in the process, but what they didn't have was a smart watch. No new iOS-inspired device strapped to an executive's wrist, harkening back to the iPod Nano days of yesteryear.
But, that doesn't necessarily mean that these companies aren't still working on those rumored devices. No, it doesn't mean that at all.
In fact, if you'll recall, a Samsung higher-up did indeed confirm that Samsung was working on a smart watch, and that the company was working "very hard" to prepare for the device. That was back when it was rumored Samsung would launch the Galaxy S 4 with a bundled watch, but that didn't pan out.
So, here we are now, without smart watches from a bunch of companies that most of us probably wish had already developed one. The future inexorably marches towards us, though, and the wearable tech niche continues to expand.
And by expand, I mean new ideas are being developed, which could very well catch on if given enough attention.
Sean Miles has a design studio called Designworks located in Windsor, in the United Kingdom. Recently, he was approached by O2 Recycling, and asked to create something from discarded mobile phone equipment. The rules? That there were no rules. He was able to create whatever he wanted with what he was provided.
So, he created a glove. Not just any glove, though. A glove that is equipped with Bluetooth-connectivity, and works in conjunction with your smartphone to receive calls. You can put the glove to the side of your face, and talk to whoever's on the other end of the line through your pinky, while you listen to the conversation through your thumb. You know, the same way that we all used to "talk on the phone" when we were kids.
Now, this glove phone isn't a marketable device, at least not in the state that Miles created it. This was just a design experiment, and he was able to pass with flying colors. But the idea is there, and considering the focus on applying technology to more pieces of clothing, it seems like something in this vein wouldn't be too far off.
But would it be something someone would want? There's no denying that putting your hand up to the side of your face, and extending your pinky and thumb to your mouth and ear respectively looks a little odd, but add actually talking to your hand into the mix, and that is sure to offer up some rude stares.
Considering I love new and exciting technology, I'd be all over this. I actually like that it's an accessory, even more so than something like Google Glass. This is something that you'd wear only in certain circumstances, instead of, say, your watch, or even a bracelet that tracks your health. A glove isn't something you'd want to wear all day, every day. A Bluetooth-connected glove, which gives you the ability to answer calls, is truly an accessory, and one that can indeed help the user given the right circumstances.
But what do you think about the idea of a glove phone? Is that something you'd think about owning, or using? Could you see the idea taking off, and becoming a new staple in wearable tech? Or is this an idea that could never really find any purchase in the real world? Let me know what you think.
Images via BBC