This is more of a rant article I have decided to write, because despite positive reactions from people I can’t help but to positively despise Google Glass. I just can’t bring myself to like it. I thought I said all that I needed to say about it in a previous article, but I recently saw that Google released the specs for Glass. After reading the specs I was amazed that a person is able to have a pair of glasses with specs that equal out to be about the same as a mid-to-high level smartphone. It also got me thinking again about how much I truly loathe Google Glass.
I also realize that by ranting about this I’m going to sound like a hipster and/or an old person who hates today’s technology. As such, I accept the fate that awaits me at the end of this rant.
I’m just going to begin by restating exactly what I said a few sentences ago: I hate Google Glass. I think it’s weird, I think it’s creepy, and I think it’s a very bad idea to release it to the general public – for any sort of price. Is it a bad idea overall? No. Google Glass could be very beneficial for some organizations and certain individuals to use. But for the general public? That’s just asking for it to fall into the hands of the wrong person; for a prime example, creepers.
Creepers are my number one fear when it comes to Google Glass. You think $1500 is expensive for a pair of glasses? Creepers probably do too, but there’s nothing that a creeper won’t pay to get their hands on the right equipment to look as discreet as possible while being creepy. What do they have to do? Quietly whisper “Okay glass, record!” and boom. There you have it. Who needs to be blessed with a photographic memory when you have a pair of memory glasses to do the work for you? It’s not like a cell phone or a camera where you obviously have to have it in the right angle and it’s most likely not hidden and people could call you out on it. But who can really yell at you for wearing a strange pair of glasses and being paranoid about being recorded or not? Nobody. I would end up looking like that stereotypical bully on the playground picking on the nerdy kid:
“Gimme your glasses! Yeah, I said it - give me those glasses!”
The rumors turned out to be true – there’s no external indicator that lets you know when a Glass user is recording. Are you crazy, Google?! All this chatter about how our rights to privacy and security are being violated, and you couldn’t do so much as to provide an indicator to those of us peons who aren’t behind the glasses that we’re under the watchful Eye of Sauron? It’s so simple! And I’m fairly certain this was brought up several times before ever releasing the product. I wouldn’t be able to believe that nobody thought this would be an issue.
I feel like I have legit reason to be worried! I don’t think any of you know this about me, but I eat like a caveman. It’s just the way I eat. It’s comfortable for me. Some people like to be neat and tidy when they eat messy foods like ribs. I’m going to let you in on a little secret - ribs are made to be eaten with hands. Guess who has two thumbs and won’t get to enjoy eating ribs anymore if she spots somebody in view with Google Glass! This girl! I've always dreamed of being a YouTube star one day but not because of the disgusting way I choose to eat hunks of meat, and I'm not willing to risk being the star of "hat video" as a victim to Google Glass. I'm shutting that down right now.
Of course that's not the only reason I'm worried, by far - it's definitely the least of my worries to be caught on camera heartlessly devouring a mean plate of ribs. But seriously, as a parent and even as an individual I can’t stand the idea of knowing people are walking around with obscure recording devices recording whatever is gallivanting about at the time without anybody knowing any the wiser. Not only that, but knowing that this pair of spectacles comes with 12GB of on board storage and a 5 MP camera, there’s a lot of room for some creepy things to happen. I can't help but feel unsettled about that.
I just hope that as Google Glass progresses they at least make a noticeable indicator to those around the Glass user that there is a recording in session. It would make a world of difference for those of us paranoid parrots out in the world. But hey, thanks for giving creepers an extra stealthy set of peepers, Google. Thanks a lot.
Readers, what are your thoughts about the lack of indicator on Google Glass? Does it bother you in the slightest, or do you remain unphased?
Images via Google