Last month, a new version of the Google Play Store leaked out in both a set of images and a video, giving us an early look the storefront's upcoming redesign. Today the refreshed Play Store has surfaced once agin, but this time the image is coming to us straight from the source. YouTube employee Eileen Rivera has posted an image of the new Google Play Store to her Google+ account, complete with the caption "Oh hello, new Google play store design." The Play Store shown in this latest leak lines up with the one that we saw last month, complete with Google Now-style cards for each item and large preview images of each piece of content.
It appears that this Play Store refresh is currently undergoing testing by Google employees, a process commonly referred to as "dogfooding." There's even a small dog bowl on the shopping bag in the upper left corner that has what looks to be the Google Play logo in it. It's not clear exactly when regular folks like you and I will be able to go shopping inside the redesigned Play Store, but with Google employees teasing the refresh and I/O 2013 scheduled to go down in a little over a month, it may not be long before this new marketplace is pushed out to our Android devices. Until then, at least we've got images like this one to keep us occupied.
UPDATE: Apparently Google+ is a good source of upcoming Google product leaks this weekend. Patric Dhawaan reports that, while cleaning out his Gmail inbox today, he received an alert that said that some of his conversations were "still available in other Babel chat applications" because they were part of a "Babel chat."
Recent rumors have suggested that "Babel" is the name of a new Google chat application that'll be spread across Android, iOS, Chrome, Gmail and Google+. Droid-Life claims to have been told by sources that Babel is currently being tested by Google employees. A screenshot of the alert received by Dhawaan is available in the gallery below.
Via Android Central, +Eileen Rivera, +Patric Dhawaan, Droid-Life