T-Mobile and Samsung have teamed up to release two different Exhibit Android smartphones in recent years, and now it looks like we'll soon see a third model introduced. Some new images depicting a T-Mobile-branded handset referred to as the "Samsung Galaxy Exhibit" have made their way online this morning courtesy of @evleaks on Unwired View. The device shown in the images is reminiscent of the Galaxy Axiom for U.S. Cellular and the Galaxy S III mini, featuring a similar rounded design and chrome ring around its edges. Also present is the physical home key that Samsung's Galaxy smartphones have become known for.
When it comes to actual specs, we're told that this new Galaxy Exhibit (model number SGH-T599) will pack a dual-core processor, WVGA resolution and 5-megapixel shooter when it makes its way into T-Mobile's lineup. Considering those specs and the fact that the previous Exhibit models have come to market at affordable prices, it seems likely that this new Galaxy Exhibit will be fairly easy on the wallet when it launches, which is reportedly going to happen before the end of this quarter. Does the S III mini-esque styling of T-Mobile's new Galaxy Exhibit appeal to any of you?
Via Unwired View