The Titanium Gray Samsung Galaxy S III for T-Mobile has followed a path in recent weeks that many other devices before it have also traveled on. First we got wind of it thanks to a leaked T-Mobile internal document, then photos of the device in the wild surfaced, and now the phone is officially official. The gray Galaxy S III has quietly been added to T-Mobile's online store and is currently available with 16GB of storage for $279.99 with a two-year contract and $50 mail-in rebate. As expected, the 16GB Pebble Blue Galaxy S III is no longer listed in T-Mobile's store, but a 32GB version of the Pebble Blue model is still available.
The new Titanium Gray version of T-Mobile's Galaxy S III features the same specs as the other flavors of the S III, meaning that you can expect a 4.8-inch 1280x720 HD Super AMOLED display, 1.5GHz dual-core processor, 8-megapixel rear/1.9-megapixel front cameras and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. This is the first time that we're getting the Titanium Gray color in the U.S., though, giving T-Mo an exclusive Galaxy S III color just like AT&T and Verizon.
It's worth noting that T-Mobile is planning to introduce a refreshed version of the Galaxy S III with support for its 4G LTE network, but it's not yet known exactly when that unit will arrive. If you're feeling impatient or just need a new handset right now, though, the Titanium Gray Galaxy S III can be yours just by hitting up the link below.
Via T-Mobile