T-Mobile last year introduced a new Unlimited Nationwide 4G Data plan for its contract subscribers that includes a bottomless bucket of high-speed data. Now it looks like T-Mo's prepaid users will soon be getting the same treatment, as a document leaked to our amigos at TmoNews have revealed that T-Mobile is planning to offer a $70 Unlimited Nationwide 4G Data plan to its Monthly4G customers. The new plan is expected to launch on Jan. 9 and will replace the current $70 plan that includes 5GB of high-speed data.
Monthly4G customers already have access to a trio of unlimited talk, text and web plans, but the $50 option only includes 100MB of high-speed data, the $60 plan includes 2GB of high-speed data and the $70 plan includes 5GB of high-speed data. This new Unlimited Nationwide 4G Data looks to be a good option for T-Mobile's data-hungry prepaid customers, and it's good to see that T-Mo will be charging the same price for it as the existing 5GB plan. How many of you Monthly4G folk plan on signing up for this Unlimited Nationwide 4G Data plan once it hits next week?
Via TmoNews