Samsung names more Galaxy S III Premium Suite upgrade features

Just a few days after Samsung gave us a preview of the Galaxy S III's Premium Suite upgrade, the company has revealed some more new features that'll come packed into the S III's update. There are a few camera-related additions included, such as a Low-Light Shot feature to help take better images in the dark, Easy Snap to help determine how many faces are in the preview of an image and Best Face, which takes five photos in succession and lets the user select the best face for each person in the shot. Also packed into the update is an Easy Mode that sets the five most frequently used widgets on the S III's home screens and a Sound Balance that can shift the volume of a user's headphones to either side.

Along with these new camera and usability enhancements, Samsung has previously announced that the Galaxy S III's Premium Suite upgrade will include the Multi-Window functionality originally found on the Galaxy Note II, a Facebook Lock Ticker and a few other goodies. All of this adds up to make what looks to be a pretty spiffy update for Galaxy S III owners that should keep them busy for a little while. Now we just need to wait for information about a U.S. rollout. Samsung says that the availability of the S III Premium Suite will vary by carrier, but the good news is that you can keep occupied with a demo video of the upgrade until we hear more. Peep the clip and the second list of Premium Suite features below.

Powerful Multimedia

  • Paper Artist: You can make a picture like a pop artist! Change the moods of your pictures whenever you want!
  • Camera, Low Light Shot: It’s always tough to take pictures in dark places. So the GALAXY S III with Premium Suite has a Low-Light-Shot  function. Get your hands on one and check out the difference!
  • Camera, Best Face: The problem with group pictures? Somebody always, ALWAYS blinks. Well, Best Face is your solution to that.  Best Face takes 5 consecutive pictures and lets you choose the best face for each person among those shots. 

New Features & Better Accessibility

  • Easy Mode: For first-time smartphone users and/or those who are really really, well, lazy. This function helps you set up the most five frequently used widgets on the home screen, so you don’t have to be tired of looking everywhere to find those apps.
  • Sound Balance: You can adjust the balance of volume one each side of earphones.
  • Setup Wizard: After turning on your cell phone, you can see the accessibility menu right away on the screen.
  • Camera Easy Snap: With ‘talk back’ and ‘face detection’ on your settings menu, the GALAXY S III tells you how many faces it can detect on the camera preview.

Via Samsung Tomorrow

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