When my peers first started picking up on cell phone use, you could see kids in the hallways at school standing around with their flip phones and sending each other things: pictures, ringtones, contacts, and sometimes even full songs – all via Bluetooth technology. Headsets could be used so you could multitask and still talk on the phone, or listen to music without being attached by a wire. Despite all these cool things you could do, I don’t really use Bluetooth unless it’s a last resort.
Don’t get me wrong, I have bought a couple hundred dollars’ worth of Bluetooth accessories mostly so I could try and form the habit of using it. However, I just find more hassle than use out of it. I purchased a couple of headsets at Sprint so I could tell the customers which ones I thought were worth purchasing. While the quality was great on some of the headsets, I didn’t talk on the phone enough to warrant carrying it around with me everywhere. Plus, I’d always forget it at home or leave it in the car. A lot of people who use it regularly say it’s a lifesaver (they’re speaking figuratively, but in all honestly when it comes to driving and talking on the phone it really can be lifesaving to use a headset) so you can imagine my delight when I realized if I could just pick up the habit, I could finally be the “super mom” I’ve always wanted to be; but since I don’t talk on the phone that much, I’ll just have to settle for “really awesome totally cool intelligent mother” instead.
I’ve also recently purchased a Motorola Roadster II, a Bluetooth accessory that I can connect with my phone and it will serve as a type of car Bluetooth or speaker. Since my car is pretty old (13 going on 14 years old) I don’t have Bluetooth built in to my vehicle. I figured that since I always forget to bring my headset along with me, I’ll just have something that’s always in my car for phone calls. I’ve had it for about 7 months now, and I never realized how many people don’t call me when I’m driving. I basically spent $99 for a silver trinket that’s attached to my visor. But, you know… at least it looks nice.
I will say that I do enjoy using Bluetooth for playing music in my home from time to time. I have a dock that I plug my phone in to, and I have a stereo that will connect via Bluetooth. The dock is okay for when I know I’m not going to use my phone (like when I’m asleep or dead) but the Bluetooth allows me to use it for its other functions as well as use better speakers for music playing. Even then, though, when I’m at home I’ll usually just listen through my computer.
I started thinking about all of this today when I ventured into my settings to change my wallpaper. I kind of zoned out and tapped the wrong options and somehow ended up in the Bluetooth screen. Then I thought, it’s been a long time since I’ve turned my Bluetooth on. When it used to be necessary for me to transfer anything to another device, I now just use WiFi or my cellular connection. I almost always already have WiFi turned on, whereas I hardly have my Bluetooth turned on because I just don’t need it. Then I got to wondering if anybody else had this same sort of thought process regarding their Bluetooth usage.
Have you found that you use Bluetooth connectivity more or less frequently when using your phone? Is it part of your everyday life? Let me know about your Bluetooth usage in the comments!