In the closest race to number one, the Samsung Galaxy S III beat the Samsung Galaxy Note II by 55 votes in this week's Official Smartphone Rankings. With three of the top five on the charts, Samsung has surely demonstrated it is a power house manufacturer.
"One of the most amazing smartphones I have used till date !!!" By EBADULLAH BHURGRI on October 19, 2012
Well it is my third week with the Samsung Galaxy s3 and I am loving this phone. Display of the phone is really great I like the screen size fits in hand pretty well. The screen is awesome the colors are highly saturated. Still the Sharpness is not as high as on the One X but with such high resolution it is difficult to make much difference.... Camera is one of the best I have witnessed in any Android device. At least now I feel it is on Par with the Iphone ... The battery works really good it gets me thru a whole day almost. I Play games, browse net, listen music and do voice calls and it gets me thru the day without bothering me...
The touch wiz has gone thru some great changes I used the GS2 before this device and i know how much it has improved. It has zero lag, responsive is awesome and is zippy and with 2 gig of rams the phone works really fast...
The only thing that bothers me is the flimsy back of the phone I wish it was a bit better otherwise the overall build quality is also fine =)
Display 5/5
Battery Life 5/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 4/5
Overall 4.8