Thought that October 29 was busy? Well, it just got even busier. T-Mobile has revealed that it's holding an event for a new product(s) during the evening of October 29, Engadget says. There's no word on precisely what T-Mobile may have up its sleeve.
As I mentioned earlier, October 29 is already going to be a big day in the world of mobile. First up is a Google-hosted, Android-focused event in New York City at which the new LG Nexus device is expected to be introduced. Later that same day, Microsoft is holding a Windows Phone 8 event in San Francisco. Considering that, it seems possible that T-Mobile's gathering will be related to one of those two, especially since we know that T-Mobile will be offering both the HTC Windows Phone 8X and Nokia Lumia 810. As usual, you can bet that we'll bring you the news on whatever T-Mobile ends up showing as it happens. What do you all think T-Mo is planning?
Via Engadget