Not long after some photo EXIF data tipped us off to the naming of an unannounced LG Nexus device, the information from another image has offered up details on another Nexus product. An image recently posted to Picasa contains the name "Nexus 10" in the Model section of its EXIF data, with "google" appearing in the Camera portion of the list. The image was uploaded by a person named Eun-Hee Kim, and as Android Central notes, his Google+ page lists him as recently checking in to a Samsung facility in Gumi, South Korea. The photo itself looks to be of the 5-megapixel variety, and included in the EXIF data is a software version identified as "JVP12C."
Previous reports have suggested that Samsung and Google are collaborating on a 10-inch Nexus tablet that may feature a resolution of 2560x1600. We've yet to see any concrete evidence of the slate's existence, though, and while this photo EXIF data does suggest that a Nexus 10 device exists, we've said before that such information can be faked. Still, we've seen Google and Samsung work together on a couple of Nexus devices in the past, and with the recent arrival of the Nexus 7 and Samsung's history of cranking out new Galaxy Tab models, it certainly seems possible that the two companies could decide to come together on a 10-inch Nexus tablet. Maybe keep this rumored slate in the back of your mind for now, and we'll update with more information if any surfaces. How many of you would be interested in a Nexus 10?
Via Android Central, Picasa