Earlier this week, Nokia took to the stage to introduce us to the Lumia 920, its new flagship Windows Phone 8 device. The Finnish firm offered up just about every Lumia 920 spec detail that there is, but two items of information that Nokia opted not to reveal are the device's launch date and price point. We've now got a tentative release date to circle on our calendars (in pencil, of course), as sources speaking to The Verge claim that Nokia and AT&T are currently working to get the Lumia 920 on shelves on November 2.
As with any rumored release date, this one for the Lumia 920 isn't concrete quite yet, as the device is still said to be undergoing carrier testing. An early November debut for the Lumia 920 would jibe with previous Windows Phone 8 launch rumors, which have claimed that the first handsets running Microsoft's new OS will begin popping up in stores that month. It's not clear when Nokia or AT&T will come forward with official launch details for the Lumia 920, but we'll likely have to wait at least until the phone makes it through AT&T's labs and is given the green light for use on the big blue carrier's network. Until that happens, you can whet your Windows Phone 8 appetite by checking out our hands-on video with the Lumia 920 below.
Via The Verge