After watching unlocked and global devices get quicker OS updates and have quad-core processors, these smartphones have become very popular on the Official Smartphone Rankings charts. This week the Galaxy Nexus global is in third position of the People's Choice chart and will be featured on this Wednesday.
"best price/value" by GIOVANNI MINIERI on August 15, 2012
in my opinion this is the best android device you can get, for about half of the price of S3, you would get a great phone, with 1080hd video, nice photo shots, great display with nice white balance, compared to the others amoled, plus is a google experience , you get updates before the others, and I'm sure that this device will still get the latest version of android for the next 2 years at least, just battery life is not that great, but not the worst either, i suggest anyway to buy the 2000mah battery from samsung or mugen.
Display 4/5
Battery Life 3/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 4/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5
Overall 4.2