Late last month, several reports claimed that Apple is planning to hold an event to introduce the new iPhone on September 12, with a launch to follow on September 21. Now we've got a date on which folks interested in Apple's next handset may be able to plunk down their hard-earned cash to reserve on. According to iMore, which also came forward with the aforementioned event and launch dates, claims that Apple will begin accepting pre-orders for the new iPhone on September 12. The site goes on to say that an actual launch is still scheduled for September 21, and that the second wave of launches (which will be in international markets) will begin in the first week of October.
If this report is true, Apple would be doing things a tad differently than last year. In 2011, Apple introduced the iPhone 4S on October 4 and kicked off pre-orders on October 7. However, if Apple feels that it can open up new iPhone pre-orders on the same day as the device's announcement, I'm guessing that most iOS fans won't be too upset if they're able to throw their money at Apple even earlier than before. Now we just have to wait for Apple to begin sending out invitations for its new iPhone event. Are any of you potential new iPhone buyers planning on pre-ordering the handset as soon as possible? Or will you be waiting for the reviews before whipping out that credit card?
Via iMore