Around a week after the 16GB Nexus 7 was slapped with a vague "Coming Soon" status on the Google Play store, the slate has made its return to Google's digital shelves. The more capacious version of the Nexus 7 is now listed as being "In Stock" on the Play store, with new orders of the device expected to be delivered in three to five business days. The 8GB Nexus 7 has the same delivery estimate.
Google never offered an official statement on the 16GB Nexus 7's "Coming Soon" label, but it's been rumored that the company underestimated how popular that model would be, thinking instead that most customers would opt for the cheaper 8GB version. Now interested customers have the choice of either the 8GB or 16GB variants, though, and it's good to see that both models have the same delivery estimates. If you've been considering picking up a Nexus 7, we've got both a written review and a two-part video review to help you make a decision.
Via Droid-Life, Google Play