AT&T announced earlier this morning that it's expanded its 4G LTE coverage, but that's not the only AT&T LTE-related news that we've got today. Nokia has announced on the official Nokia Conversations blog that AT&T will soon be releasing a pink version of the LTE-capable Lumia 900. The pink Lumia 900 features the same 4.3-inch display and 1.4GHz processor as the black, cyan and white models that are already available. Nokia says that interested customers will be able to order the pink Lumia 900 at an AT&T store for direct fulfillment delivery starting July 15. The device will also be available for pre-order from AT&T's website.
We first got wind of the pink AT&T-branded Lumia 900 back in April when the device was spotted on a video display at a Microsoft store, but this is the first time that the device has been brought up by either AT&T or Nokia. While the pink model isn't likely to appeal to everyone, having more color options for a handset is always a good thing. The Lumia 900 is currently available from AT&T in black, cyan and white for $99.99 with a two-year contract.
UPDATE: AT&T has also revealed on its Consumer Blog that the Lumia 900 will be receiving a Windows Phone 7.5 Refresh (aka Tango) update sometime "in the coming weeks." The update is said to include several new features, including flip-to-silence. We'll let you know you when we learn more about the update's availability.