Just a few days after a leaked render teased the upcoming LG Optimus Elite for Virgin Mobile, a new rumor has tipped another device that may soon be Virgin-bound. According to a "reliable source" of Pocketnow's, the HTC EVO 3D will be making its way to Virgin Mobile as the HTC EVO V 4G. The EVO V 4G will reportedly be available in both gray and plum hues. Unfortunately, there's no word yet on when the EVO V 4G may be launching or how much it'll cost when it does.
Originally available on Sprint on June 24th of last year, the EVO 3D packs a spec list that includes a 4.3-inch 960x540 display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, and a pair of 5-megapixel cameras for 3D photo and video capture. Obviously the EVO 3D isn't the freshest smartphone on the block, but it still boasts some pretty respectable features. And while we still don't know when the thing'll be coming out, the EVO V 4G should make for a heck of a phone for the Virgin Mobile crowd (and a nice, larger compliment to the One V) whenever it does hit. Any of you Virgin Mobile folk think you'd be interested in picking up an EVO V 4G?
Via Pocketnow