When ASUS introduced the Transformer Prime earlier this month, it said that the slate will launch with Android 3.2 Honeycomb but will receive an update to Ice Cream Sandwich as soon as the code was approved. We don't have to wait until then to get a preview of Android 4.0 running on the Prime, though, as NVIDIA has posted a video demonstrating the latest version of Android running on the device. The video, which was posted just three days after Google took the wraps off of ICS, shows off buttery smooth 1080p video playback and Riptide GP along with all of its fancy water effects. Check out the Transformer Prime showing off its ICS-Tegra 3 combo in the clip below.
In other Transformer Prime news, it seems that Amazon has begun taking pre-orders for the docking wonder. Pricing is set at $492.20 for the 32GB model and $584.22 for the 64GB flavor, giving you discounts of $7.79 and $14.78, respectively, from ASUS's MSRP. There's still no word on precisely when the Transformer Prime will actually be launching, but Asus has said that it'll be coming sometime in December.
The Transformer Prime is shaping up to be one of the more anticipated Android tablets we've seen in recent memory, no doubt thanks both to the popularity of its predecessor as well as the fact that it's packing NVIDIA's quad-core Tegra 3 processor. The fact that it's expected to be bumped up to ICS as quickly as ASUS can manage just makes the Prime even harder to resist, sort of like transforming a regular ice cream sandwich into a triple flavor neapolitan treat. So, who's buying?
Via DroidDog (1), (2), Amazon