RIM officially debuted its BBM Music streaming service way back in August, but at the time the app was only available to BlackBerry Beta Zone users. Today RIM's taken the beta tag off of BBM Music and made it available to the masses. The service allows access to up to 50 songs from the "millions" in RIM's catalog, and then users can gain even more music by adding friends to their BBM list and listening to the 50 songs that those people have added to their BBM Music profile. BBM Music users can also cache their songs to a microSD card for offline listening. The service is priced at $4.99 per month, but there's also a free subscription that offers "the same social experience" as a paid subscription but with 30-second previews instead of full tracks. Finally, RIM is currently offering new BBM Music users a free trial of up to 2 months of the paid version of the service.
BBM Music offers BlackBerry users a cheaper alternative to services like Spotify and Rdio, which cost $10 per month for unlimited mobile listening, especially for folks with a lot of BlackBerry-toting friends. Now that the app is finally available to all in the BlackBerry App World, it should be interesting to see how many users flock to RIM's own BBM Music rather than using one of the aforementioned third-party services. How many of you have already used BBM Music or plan to give it a shot soon?