So we know Verizon is going to offer customers a credit towards a new CDMA iPhone 4 if they recently bought a new phone and want to trade it in, but what about those of us that purchased a device before November 26th? Not to worry, because Big Red has got you covered. In fact, they have for a while now. Verizon explained this week that it'll be kicking advertising for its trade-in program, which began in October, into high gear to get more customers to switch to the VeriPhone. The trade-in offer extends to any handset, regardless of manufacturer or carrier. For example, a 16GB AT&T iPhone 4 will earn you $212 toward a new device.
While you're unlikely to get as much for your phone through Verizon's program as you would using eBay or CraigsList, it's certainly an easy way to get some cash for a new phone without having to deal with putting up an ad or shipping a package across the country. I'm not sure how many of the more tech savvy among us will take VZW up on their trade-in offer, but I can definitely see the appeal. Like I said before, it's much easier, and a lot of people will likely see it as safer and quicker, too. Have any of you taken advantage of Verizon's trade-in program since its inception? If not, would you?
Via Engadget, Fierce Wireless