T-Mobile has said that it'll be getting into the 4G tablet game next year, and we've also learned that the Dell Streak 7 and some 4G mobile hotspots could be destined for Magenta's airwaves in 2011. Luckily for those of you with an insatiable hunger for data use, it looks like T-Mo has a few more data devices planned for release in the coming year. According to our friends over at TmoNews, T-Mobile is set to launch around 24 data devices in 2011. That includes traditional USB modems, MiFi hotspots and, of course, more tablets than you can shake a stick at, including some that are ready for use on HSPA+. LG is said to be on board to produce a tablet for T-Mo, and it's also being reported that Samsung will bring either a Galaxy Tab 2 or, more likely, a refreshed Galaxy Tab with HSPA+ support. HTC could also be bringing a tablet to T-Mobile's eager customers.
It's obvious that tablets are going to be all the rage next year, so I'm not surprised that T-Mobile will have a healthy selection of them available to its customers. As the craze grows, I'm sure that just about every manufacturer under the sun is going to launch a tablet at some point. Luckily, it sounds like T-Mo is going to offer a number of other devices with access to its 4G network for those of us that just arent't buying into tablet mania. Speaking of tablet mania, how many of you already own or eventually plan to pick up a tablet? Do any of you have zero interest in tablets?
Via TmoNews