Andy Rubin certainly hasn't tweeted much, but when he does make use of his Twitter account, it makes people stand up and pay attention. The latest bit of knowledge dropped by Rubin is that there are 300,000 Android phones activated every single day. Back in August, Eric Schmidt said that there were 200,000 activations daily, meaning it only took Google four months to add another 100,000 Android phones every day. Pretty impressive stuff.
When we heard about the 200,000 milestone, I asked you how long it would take to reach 300,000, and your guesses were pretty dead-on. Now you have to wonder if Android will be able to reach 400,000 activations daily. That's a pretty crazy number, but they're three-quarters of the way there and they've got a hot, new update to the operating system and a shiny new device to debut it on, so it's entirely possible. Can you make it happen, Android fans?
Via @Arubin