We've seen videos of the BlackBerry PlayBook in action a couple of times before, but they've either been too short or too focused on one aspect of the device. At the Rogers TabLife event, though, we got a bit more thorough walkthrough of RIM's tablet, and the entire thing was posted to YouTube for everyone to enjoy. In the three-and-a-half minute clip, we're shown some of the gestures used to navigate through the PlayBook's QNX operating system and the multitasking capabilities of the device. The full video is embedded below for your viewing pleasure.
The PlayBook looks like it's running pretty smoothly in this new clip, just like in the previous ones we've seen. It's worth pointing out that the PlayBook in this demo only running on a single core, so once everything is optimized to run on the device's dual-core chip, things should be even snappier. RIM's PlayBook is definitely looking good so far, but will it be able to stand up against the iPad 2 and the impending wave of Android tablets? Only time will tell.
Via BBLeaks