Black Friday: Buy a T-Mobile smartphone, get one free

Thanksgiving is nearly here, and after you're done filling up on turkey and mashed potatoes, T-Mobile is kicking off Black Friday with a great buy one, get one deal for family customers in the market for a smartphone.  Beginning on Friday, any new or existing customers that sign up for a T-Mobile family plan and pick up one of the specified smartphones or a Samsung Galaxy Tab on a two-year contract can get another smartphone for free.  The deal runs through January 18th, so if any of the smartphones have been calling your name, it's a great opportunity to get yourself a new phone and help a friend or family member upgrade, too.  The list of devices eligible for the BOGO offer is as follows:

While it's kind of disappointing that T-Mobile's BOGO offer doesn't actually start until Black Friday, the upside is that it runs until the middle of January, meaning you'll have somewhere to spend all of that holiday cash that you'll be getting.  Plus, it's pretty awesome that there are three smartphone platforms represented.  Sure, the selection is a little heavy on the Android, but there's also the HD7 and Bold 9780 if Google's green robot isn't your thing.  So, any of you planning on nabbing a couple of new smartphones for you and a friend this year?

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