We've already seen the BlackBerry PlayBook demoed a couple of times thanks to RIM, but if you're like me, what you're really jonesing for is some real world, in the wild demos. Luckily, the folks over at Mobility Insider somehow managed to get some face time with RIM's tablet, and they even posted some first impressions and a short video of the encounter. The PlayBook's UI was described as easy to use and very quick, especially when switching between open apps. As for the actual build quality of the device, MI says that it feels solid and that the 7-inch size works well for a tablet (something that our own Taylor would agree with), especially when it comes to text input. Finally, both cameras have performed well and the media player is simply described as "awesome." Check out the interesting (but brief) video below.
The PlayBook has looked like a great device ever since RIM unveiled the thing in September, but all we've really seen of it up until now was in demos directly from RIM. Now that the tablet has been handled by someone not on RIM's payroll and performed admirably, I'm looking forward to it even more. Now we just have to wait a few months for the PlayBook to be launched to the masses, and then we can all experience the new QNX OS and 7-inch screen for ourselves. Early 2011 can't come soon enough.