While it seems that Apple's iOS is dominant when it comes to web marketshare, Google's Android OS is definitely gaining ground. A report put together by Quantcast shows that Android has slowly been gaining web marketshare at the expense of Apple and its iOS. During the period between May 2009 and May 2010, Android traffic grew by 12.2 percent while iOS traffic fell 8.1 percent. What's even more impressive is that between January 2009 and May 2010, Android grew 15 percent while iOS dropped by 16 percent. As of now, the standings look like this: iOS with 59 percent of traffic and Android at 20 percent. There is some other information that we need to consider when looking at these statistics, though. This information does not take into account traffic from applications, which both platforms have plenty of. Also, the iOS numbers are taken from iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads. Finally, the survey period ended before the launch of the EVO 4G, so that device isn't part of the stats. Overall, it's clear that Google and Android have experienced massive growth over the past year and a half, due in part to the success of the Motorola DROID, which has had "extremely" strong sales. Android still has a lot of ground to cover before it catches up with Apple's iOS, but with the rapid release schedule of devices from companies like HTC and Motorola, it certainly looks like the OS has a chance. However, with the impending release of the iPhone 4, Apple could end up widening the gap. We'll have to wait until the next marketshare report to see how things turn out.
Via ReadWriteWeb