Despite it being four days old, the DROID Incredible has already received an OTA update. Though I'm not entirely sure what the 3.5 MB OTA update solves (rumors point to the faulty signal bar display), the build number changed from ending in 493 to 494 and the "Software number" changed from ending in .0 to .2. Keeping that in mind, we know it was an update of some sort - we just don't know what it solved. The link provided in the description ( is dead as of the writing of this article.
Oddly enough, I haven't received a prompt on my device, and according to "System updates," my device is up-to-date. To that end, I'm waiting for word from HTC and Verizon, so as soon as I hear anything, I'll let you know! For those that received the update, have you noticed any changes?
Via Phandroid