The Apple rumor mill moves like clockwork. First you get the constant stream of rumors all year long. Then you get spikes in rumor traffic leading up to the usual times on the calendar: January (post-CES / ex-MacWorld), Spring (WWDC), Summer (iPhone refresh), and Back to School (iPod event). And then, in the week that always falls between Apple announcing a media event and the event actually happening, the rumor mill goes bezerk.
Yesterday, Apple announced a press gathering for next Wednesday morning in San Francisco. Ergo, today the rumor mill has switched into overdrive. The latest? We've got rumors about the Apple Tablet, iPhone OS 4.0, and even Apple's iLife multimedia creation suite, which currently only runs on Mac OS X for computers, not iPhones.
BGR says they've got iPhone OS 4.0 intel from one of their "trusty Apple connects," who must be Mr. Blurrycam's silent partner. Notably, BGR says to look out for the following in the next generation of Apple's mobile platform:
Important new features will include improved multitasking (backgrounding of apps), improved syncing of calendars and contacts, system-wide multi-touch gesture support. That last bit of info jibes with earlier reports that the OS 4.0 will power iPhone, iPod Touch, and the new "iTablet," though the tablet may run a slightly modified version of the OS.
All Things Digital has been focusing on the content aspects of the tablet launch, which could prove incredibly important to the magazine and newspaper industries (something us hardware junkies may be overlooking in our gadgetlust). According to today's MediaMemo post:
I've got some thoughts on iTablet and the future of magazines and newspapers that I'll pull together in a separate post. For now, let's leave it at this: Something's coming from Apple next Wednesday, and it's going to involve content and content delivery methods as well as hardware. Whatever it is, we'll keep you informed right here on the Dog.
And, oh yeah, there are also reports that Apple will launch iLife 2010 at next week's event. iLife is Apple's multimedia software suite for creating and managing music, photos and video. While the software is currently only available for use on Mac OS X laptop and desktop computers, it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility for Apple to include some media creation/editing software on the tablet computer. Then again, it would also make sense to position the tablet as simpler and lower cost than Apple's MacBook/MacBook Pro line of full-fledged notebook computers, thus keeping iLife off of iTablet.
What say you? iPhone OS 4.0 - are you excited? Are you expecting another Apple phone revolution, or merely some evolutionary steps aimed at keeping pace with Android and WebOS, the current pace-setters in the modern smartphone arena? Sound off in the comments!
[Via: BGR, All Things D, AppleInsider; Image Via: FunkySpaceMonkey]