Eldar Murtazin, Mobile Review’s editor in chief, sent out a Tweet earlier today that confirms a new iPhone is in the works:
Foxconn received order for next generation iphone
This is different from speculation from run-of-the-mill analysts or some kid leaking tidbits from his basement. Murtazin has been stunningly accurate in the past, so when this insider reveals something (even this tiny little sentence), the whole industry stands up and pays attention.
When this next-gen phone will arrive is still anyone’s guess. In the past, Apple’s kept to summer iPhone announcements and launches, but some experts argue that it could jump the fence and debut earlier, especially in light of all the inroads Android has been making lately.
Will it have the classic form factor, with a few new updates and OS adjustments along for the ride? A new CDMA version, to go along with the Verizon/iPhone rumor? Or could it be a reboot in the handset’s evolution, with something that attempts to change the game yet again? We’re taking guesses.
Via: MobileCrunch, Engadget