It looks like customers aren't the only ones that are questioning Verizon's "advanced devices" ETF (early termination fee) policy. In a communication to Verizon's Vice President of Legal and External Affairs, the FCC has opted to investigate the matter further. The organization's concerns include the method in which Verizon is prorating the fees out over the course of the two-year agreement, the definition of an "advanced device," and a few questions concerning the use of mobile web. Despite it being an "inquiry," the fact that the FCC is taking a closer look is quite interesting, to say the least.
Verizon has until December 17th to respond to the FCC's inquiries. Will the FCC's concerns keep other carriers away from raising their ETF's, or will it serve as nothing more than a small slap on the hand? Time will tell.
Via: Engadget Mobile