With Black Friday two days away, the posts continue with Amazon's official discount list. Whether you're in need of a new device for yourself (hey, what's one more phone) or you're shopping for holiday gifts, then you're in luck. Check out the deals below:
- BlackBerry Bold 9700 - $149.99 with new T-Mobile service plan
- Blackberry Curve 8900 - $0.01 with new AT&T service plan
- BlackBerry Storm2 9550 - $149.99 with new Verizon Wireless service plan
- BlackBerry Tour 9630 - $49.99 with new Sprint service plan
- HTC Pure - $0.01 with new AT&T service plan
- LG Xenon GR500 - $0.01 with new AT&T service plan
Bluetooth Headsets
- Motorola TalkAbout Earbud with Microphone for All Series - $12.05
- Plantronics Discovery 975 Bluetooth Headset - $84.99
- Plantronics Voyager PRO Bluetooth Headset - $70.00
The best part? You get to shop from the comfort of home - no long wait lines, and no cold weather. Sounds like a deal to me!
Via: IntoMobile