Sammy’s first T-mobile Android device has been snapped before, all glammed up and shiny. But images of the handset, caught in the wild, have been infamously hard to come by. Well, if you want to see what it will look like, minus the Photoshopping, then lookie here.
Seems like David over at TmoNews got his hands on some unofficial photos of the smartphone in various states of play, including some that feature the TouchWiz interface. (Consider the shot below as a teaser. To peep the full bonanza of images, click here.)
Behold2 fans on Magenta don’t have long to wait now. November 18 is just 2 weeks away, at which point the carrier’s expected to slap a $249.99 sticker price. That’s $50 more than Tmo’s other recent release (the Moto Cliq) as well as Verizon’s Droid, and it’s $70 more than Sprint’s Moment. Most who have been anxiously awaiting this device think it’s a no-brainer, but what about the fence sitters? Are you taking the plunge, opting for the Blur-tastic Cliq, waiting to see where the spectastic SE XPERIA X10 will end up or jumping ship to one of the many Android offerings on another carrier? (Choices, choices, choices... talk about a good problem to have.)
Via: TmoNews