It's known throughout the online news sphere that Sprint employees are preparing for Palm Pre training, but we've received word that employee vacations have been frozen throughout the month of May, hinting at a potential Pre launch sometime during the month. A similar procedure happened when AT&T and Apple launched the iPhone, so we would wager that May is a pretty strong guess.
What really has our gears turning, however, is a recent sighting of the Pre. During a stop at the annual "Bring Your Own Wheel" race, two unknown individuals are sporting Palm Pre devices (above). An attendee at the event happened to see the devices, stopped in to "chat" with the guys, and snapped a few pictures. What's more, the two claim that they've used the device for several weeks, and weren't impressed with it until the most recent software updates were installed on the handset. After all of the hype surrounding the device, words like "weren't impressed with it" don't bode well for the future of the phone. We hope the final version won't have this problem.
What's more, they wouldn't let analysts and the media touch the device at CTIA, but there are two people toting it around in a park allowing strangers to take pictures? What gives, Palm?