Palm Pre Launch Coverage

Here at PhoneDog we are covering all of the Palm Pre information we can find on the web.  We should have our Pre's June 5th, so stay tuned for much more, including Noah's first impression of the Palm Pre.

Clearly the onslaught of high-profile handset launches already foisted upon us this month has made me want a beer. But I stand by my metaphor: Palm's...
15 years 6 months ago
... That is, if you can afford it. Maybe I shouldn't have tagged this post, "Palm Pre Launch Coverage," but it's not too far removed. On June 9th,...
15 years 6 months ago
Four full days with a Palm Pre review loaner.  First was pick up and get to know you Friday.  Then came mess around with it all weekend Saturday and...
15 years 6 months ago
Introduction: To put it as simply as I can, Palm is back in the game.  The Palm Pre is a revolutionary device that marks a radical shift for the...
15 years 6 months ago
From left to right: Kristin Wallace, Sprint's Southeast Communications Director; Aaron Baker, PhoneDog; Keith Cowan, Sprint's President of Strategy...
15 years 6 months ago
PhoneDog President Tom Klein and News Editor Aaron Baker are attending the Palm Pre Launch Party in Atlanta, GA.  Complete with Palm Pre...
15 years 6 months ago
With the Palm Pre launch being one of the hottest items of the year, you didn't think that we would provide you with anything less than the best...
15 years 6 months ago
So, we're not entirely sure what happened between late May and now (minus the influx of press surrounding AT&T and Verizon obtaining the device...
15 years 6 months ago, a powerhouse for covering everything Palm Pre, has received their Palm Pre early.  To keep our readers in the know, we are posting...
15 years 6 months ago, a powerhouse for covering everything Palm Pre, has received their Palm Pre early.  To keep our readers in the know, we are posting...
15 years 6 months ago, a powerhouse for covering everything Palm Pre, has received their Palm Pre early.  To keep our readers in the know, we are posting...
15 years 6 months ago, a powerhouse for covering everything Palm Pre, has received their Palm Pre early.  To keep our readers in the know, we are posting...
15 years 6 months ago, a powerhouse for covering everything Palm Pre, has received their Palm Pre early.  To keep our readers in the know, we are posting...
15 years 6 months ago, a powerhouse website for everything Palm Pre coverage, has received their Pre before us.  To keep our readers in the know, we are...
15 years 6 months ago
Though it looks kind of funny without the actual Palm Pre attached to it, it's nice to see that the accessories are being sold ahead of the official...
15 years 6 months ago
We'll admit, we were wondering how the Palm Pre stock levels were going to look at Best Buy stores around the nation, primarily due to the rampant...
15 years 6 months ago
Since we can't actively cover every news article that breaks (as much as we would love to), PhoneDog compiles various announcements and press...
15 years 6 months ago
Thanks to my palmpre buddy on twitter, I noticed that a post went up with a link to the default ringtone for the Pre.  The sound was leaked by an "...
15 years 6 months ago
