is a bit like postsecret, minus the reveling in evildoings. The posts are generally more embarrassing than those on postsecret, and the multitudes of comments, like "you deserved that one," or, "your life really is [effed]." make the confessions all the more humiliating - sometimes hilarious. Most of the time though, it's just comforting to share a little drama, tragedy, or shame anonymously with another human being in the hopes that you're not the only one who lost their bikini in the ocean.
FML is a free app for Android that lets you browse the posts in the order they were submitted, or have one randomly displayed. I think it allows you to comment and submit, but I keep getting an error when trying to sign in. And it's been hanging on "loading new posts" for like, 20 minutes now. Silly problems like this keep getting in the way of my reviews. FML.
Search the market for FML - it's by Evan Charlton.