Three or four different people have asked me about Flash coming to the iPhone. Since I follow NYT's David Pogue's model of blogging (which is, when enough people ask you about something, it's time to write it up), I thought this was worth covering.
A few weeks ago, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen made some (overrated) remarks that sent the rumorverse into overdrive: "It's a hard technical challenge, and that's part of the reason Apple and Adobe are collaborating."
But when an Adobe rep got cornered on Tuesday by the press, she seemed to recant that, saying, "We think Flash availability on the iPhone benefits the millions of joint Apple and Adobe customers, and we want to work with Apple to bring these capabilities to the device."
?We want to,? huh? Well, I want to sail around the world using a sail made from money. Sadly, ?wanting? does not equal ?doing,? and so it is with the iPhone/Flash myth. Once official statements include ?We ARE WORKING with Apple? or ?That's why we've partnered with Apple? or some such verbiage, then it will be time for our iPhone-lovin? hearts to skip a beat.
So enough already, Adobe. If you?re not already doing it, stop talking about it. Please. It's like putting canned food in front of a hungry person with no can opener. It's mean and ultimately fruitless.