Oh, hey, by the way ... you probably knew this but I just realized the BlackBerry Storm has a model number: 9530. Does that mean it's the top-of-the-line BlackBerry, since Bold is "only" 9000? Hmm...
I still don't get the whole touchscreen BlackBerry thing. I mean,
obviously I get it, but I'm personally having my first serious bout of,
"Maybe I should get a BlackBerry" since I got my hands on Bold at CTIA
last week. So the idea of a BlackBerry without a QWERTY board just isn't making sense to me right now. I'm sure it will come November 1st, though.
See, 11/1 is the "eligible upgrade" date listed on this leaked Verizon data sheet for Storm (originally published on CrackBerry.com).
That basically means that Storm will be available to customers on or
before November 1, 2008, because really, who's going to upgrade to a
phone that's not out yet?
That said, you can go sign up for release info and get all virtual drooly over Storm on the official Verizon Storm webpage,
which is back online. Because it was offline for awhile there. After
being online. Even though Verizon themselves hasn't actually announced
anything about Storm yet. Which is making Boy Genius think we're all
getting our chains yanked - in some strange VZW effort to keep
customers from jumping ship to get a Bold on AT&T, I guess.
I have no idea. I want the thing as soon as I can get it because I'm
curious, you're curious, and my job is to show you what I can so you
can decide if it's worth pursuing. All of that other "fake viral
marketing bait and switch distraction tactic" stuff? Totally lost on
me. ;-P